Welcome to St Botolph's Church
Welcome to St Botolph's Church 

Aspley Guise Parish ‘2020 Wall of Friendship’

Our Wall of Friendship was dedicated by Rev'd Graham Bradshaw at the Easter Day Service, 4th April 2020 as part of his final service as Incumbent of this parish.


While our efforts with this activity were somewhat hampered by Covid-19 and the national lockdown restrictions it was gratifying to finally install the long awaited altar frontals.


We hope that those who contributed to the project and whose names are commemorated are, rightly, proud of the result that has been achieved.  It is truly a legacy project that we hope will be enjoyed by visitors to our Church for many years to come.

Come and Join Us

St Botolph's Church

Church Street

Aspley Guise


MK17 8HN

Tel: 01908 107287

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Copyright St Botolphs Church, Aspley Guise. Not to be reproduced in whole or part without permission.