We would kindly ask those in our community to remember St Botolph's in their daily activites. The upkeep of the building, utilites and the Parish Share (which pays our Rector's salary) are all paid from donations made to St Botolph's
The cost of running the Church is now over £3,000 each month and we rely on regular financial stewardship to meet these costs. Many members of our congregation choose to make regular covenanted gifts to the Church. This can be in the form of contributing through regular collections at services or by creating a regular payment with your bank. To set up a regular payment (which is very straigtforward) please contact Eleanor Pettigrew via this link or ask the Churchwardens when you come to Church.
The advantage of having regular giving is that the Parocial Church Council (PCC) can plan its expenditure based on anticipated income throughout the year, and where appropriate, claim back the tax paid by donors through Gift Aid. This applies too for one-off gifts made by a person who pays income tax. Gift Aid envelopes are scattered among the pews in Church or you can download a Gift Aid Certificate here;
Other Kinds of Giving
At St Botolph's we organise regular fund raising events to help meet the running costs of the Church. These are well supported by the local community and we continue to rely on this addional income to meet our regular outgoings.
From time to time we also benefit from legacies which support more specific projects such as refurbishment of the interior of the Church, vestments and indeed funded the building of the Community Link Room.
St Botolph's welcomes all gifts in Wills for the work of the Church whether large or small. If you wish to include a legacy to St Botolph's in your Will you can find some useful guidance at: www.churchlegacy.org.uk or you can talk to the Rector.