Welcome to St Botolph's Church
Welcome to St Botolph's Church 

Groups within our Church Community

A Church is a community and as with any community there are groups of people within it who have either a special responsibility for or an interest in certain aspects of Church life.  We have a regular rota for contributions to the services for readers, intercessors and offertory, click here for more details.

Bell Ringing

Each Sunday morning for half an hour prior to the 9.30 service the bells are rung.  At St Botolphs we have a set of 6 bells.  We are always keen to welcome new recruits to the band and if you would like to come and join us please contact one of the Churchwardens in the first instance.


There is a small but enthusiastic choir (both men and women) which sings every Sunday at the 9.30am  services. We aim to provide a cheerful lead to the congregation in hymn singing and responses. Once a month we join other local choirs at St Mary's Woburn to sing evensong.  At present we do not sing anthems or sung evensong in St Botolph's, but with more members we would be delighted to do so. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Eleanor Pettigrew on 01908 583460 for a chat and more information.

Craft Group

This takes place on Tuesdays between 2 & 4 p.m. in the Community Link Room. The group is open to everyone who would like to enjoy a relaxing two hours of craft, chat & a cup of tea (for a small fee). Occasional workshops and demonstrations are arranged. Those who wish to, support the Fete and an Autumn Coffee morning by making items to be sold and making items for the ‘Christmas Child’ boxes.

Friends of the Flowers

A number of volunteers give their time and talents every week throughout the year to help decorate the church with flowers. Groups of volunteers also get together at major festivals (Easter, Christmas, Harvest), and sometimes for weddings, to make the church look really special.  If you would like to be part of the team, please contact Joan Wilding on 01908 583009 and she will explain how the group works. You are welcome, whether you are an experienced flower arranger or just a beginner. There’s room for all levels of talent!

Housekeeping Tasks

As in every family home, there are ‘housekeeping’ tasks to be shared. If you feel you would like to help and spread the work load, we would be delighted to hear from you.  Please contact Gay Marks on 01908 582801 if you would like to help with either linen or coffee.


Coffee, Tea & biscuits are served after the Sunday morning service in the Community Link Room and this is organised as a weekly rota within each month.

Instructions for the new dishwasher can be found here: http://www.bosch-home.co.uk/customer-service/download-instruction-manuals.html

Our model is a Classixx and the serial no: is SMS40C02GB/07


Church Linen

Church family members take on monthly rotas for the care of lavabos & corporals (Holy hankies!).  The ‘fair linen’ (altar cloths) and their dust covers need to be washed and ironed two or three times a year when necessary.

More Work than Pleasure!

Church cleaning is done on a weekly rota, and this includes carpet cleaning. If you would like to help please contact Bronwen Martin on 01908 282391. In addition to this regular cleaning, we also have an annual ‘spring clean’ when everyone comes together to give the church a really good scrub! Look out for church notices around about March.

The Church ‘Garden’ and Shrubbery

Anyone who enjoys their own garden and can differentiate a wanted plant from a weed is welcome to feel free to do some church weeding & pruning as they pass by. There are occasional garden work parties, particularly in the spring and autumn.

Parochial Church Council
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is responsible for the general running of the church. Members meet 6 times a year to review church business and to advise the Rector on topics such as the church service arrangements, finances and general repairs to the building. Members usually serve for three years and are formally elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in April.  If you would like to know more about the work of the PCC please contact the Church Wardens or the Rector.

Come and Join Us

St Botolph's Church

Church Street

Aspley Guise


MK17 8HN

Tel: 01908 107287

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Copyright St Botolphs Church, Aspley Guise. Not to be reproduced in whole or part without permission.