Welcome to St Botolph's Church
Welcome to St Botolph's Church 


In the interests of public safety it is incumbent on all hirers of the Community Link Room (CLR) and the Upper Room in the CLR to ensure that no vehicles are parked on the brow of the hill, adjacent to the main door of the Church, during their term of hire.

Cones, provided, shall be placed on the stretch of highway adjacent to the kerb between the lych gate to the south and kissing gate to the north, thereby ensuring compliance with Ordinance 243 of the Highway Code.

This Highway Code states that you should not park on a bend, brow of a hill or within 32ft of a road junction, all of which apply at this location.

Please ensure the cones, which can be found adjacent to the south door, are utilised for the duration of your hire and replaced after use.

Thank you for your continued cooperation in this matter.






Come and Join Us

St Botolph's Church

Church Street

Aspley Guise


MK17 8HN

Tel: 01908 107287

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Copyright St Botolphs Church, Aspley Guise. Not to be reproduced in whole or part without permission.