At St Botolphs we work to various rotas which are generally on a three month rotation and issued as needed. We try to accomodate flexibilty and there is always someone who can swap a duty with you if needs be. If you would like to offer your services in the following areas, please would you make contact with the church warden in the first instance and they will pass your details on to whoever is currently arranging that particular rota.
There is a traditional form of intercession available; but with experience, practice and courage intercessors soon use their own words to lead our prayers. If you would like some training, help or guidance before starting, please ask the Lay Readers or Church Wardens.
Offertory Party
The plate for collection is by the door as you come in and is not taken round during the service. During the Offertory hymn four people take the plate, wafers and two flasks holding water and wine up to the altar. These are handed to the chalice assistant who then presents them to the priest.
Generally two lessons (one old and one new testament) are specified for that day in the year's lectionary and are read during morning service. There is a very helpful and effective sound system in use in the church with a microphone at the lectern.
Sidespeople greet members of the congregation as they arrive and provide any special information about the service. There is a rota for both the 8.00am and 9.30am service.
Chalice Assistants
Chalice Assistants are licensed by the Bishop to administer the wine at Holy Communion Services.
Sound System (P.A.)
A PA sound system is operated from a pew towards the back of the church. This projects sound to all parts of the church to help people hear and to follow the service. We also use the system for concerts and other special events.