An 800-year old building in the middle of a village community, on a spot where marriages have been celebrated for at least a thousand years, and with a well kept, picturesque, churchyard, is a good setting for a life-long commitment.
Anyone who worships at St Botolph’s Aspley Guise or lives in the village, or has strong proper connections, regardless of denomination, is welcome, and legally entitled, to be married in our church. The rector welcomes enquiries, and will explore possibilities with couples without their needing to feel obligated.
As Registrars, clergy are trained to know most of the details of British marriage law, and can steer a couple through the technicalities. There are certain set charges incurred for the administration of the wedding, but additional charges are also incurred for those optional extras such as bells, flowers, organist etc.
A firm booking can typically happen as much as two years and as little as a month ahead. A legal form has to be filled in and signed. During a meeting for marriage preparation a check list is worked through and there is and ascertaining various details - all pretty painless - enabling the rector to get to know the couple better at the same time.
Rev'd Carrie will work with the couple to choose hymns and music, and they will be encouraged to join the Sunday worship where the congregation will enjoy meeting them and hearing how plans are progressing. Nearer the event a wedding rehearsal is good fun, allays nervousness, and makes everything smooth and professional.
We are delighted with the appreciation couples show of the church setting. As a Church we would endeavour to support your new life as a married couple. An invitation to a specific service is sent annually to all who have had occasion to celebrate an event of life within the church. However, we are always pleased to see you as you maintain a link with St Botolph’s.
We would equally wish to rejoice with you at the addition of new family members. When a link has been maintained it is naturally more meaningful for the baptism to take place in one of the main services of the parish.
You can read more about our Church and Village by downloading this document.